
By taxi
By taxi

Cabs are plentiful in the city of gold, but be warned as the drivers may try to rip you off by "taking the scenic route" or charging a fixed price instead of on the meter. Insist that the driver turns on the meter Mon-eh and you should have no problems.

By bus
By bus

NB: The description here refers solely to West Jerusalem the jewish part. The Arab system of buses is based on two bus stations near Damascus Gate.

The most effective public transportation option is currently in the form of buses.Take into consideration that the intercity bus system is quite confusing, especially for a tourist. Even people living in Jerusalem their whole lives won't be able to help you, if they aren't familiar with the bus route you're interested in using. This is caused by the lack of any official bus route maps, and to the fact that bus routes and numbers tend to change rapidly.Buses are run by "Egged" Company. Most buses are dark green, but you might see the older red and white buses too.

To use the bus, you pay the driver as you board the bus. All bus rides are at a fixed price of NIS 6.60 Oct 2012, no matter how many stops you stay on for. You may pay in change or bills.Entrance to the bus is from the front door only, and exit is usually from the back doors.

Once you pay the driver, a ticket will come out of the gray calculator next to the driver. You must take and keep the ticket, for proof to the conductor, which tends to come and check.

Many bus drivers have a very limited knowledge in English, so try to find someone else to help you when needed.

Notice The ticket you receive can be used for 90 minutes from the moment it's produced. You may transfer with it to any intercity bus and the light rail as many times as you want, as long as you board the bus before the 90th minute, which is printed on the ticket.

The Jerusalem City Tour ( Bus #99, intended for tourists, does a loop of pretty much the whole city and costs ₪45 adults and ₪36 children for a one-day pass.

Below is a summarized overview of which bus to take to get from certain places to other places. Printing this list, and the map, will be very helpful.

Central Bus Station
Buses towards the city leaving directly in front of the CBS going left / east1 to Kotel HaMa'aravi: CBS - Sarei Yisrael - Malchei Yisrael Geulah - Meah Shearim - Shaar Shechem Damascus Gate - Kotel HaMa'aravi Western WallBuses away from the city leaving directly in front of the CBS going right / west7 to Har Chotzvim: Kiryat Mattersdorf - Sorotzkin - Kiryat Tzanz - Ezrat Torah - Har ChotzvimBuses towards the city leaving from Sederot Shazar the main road across from the CBS; cross under the road through the tunnel going left / east11 to Ramat Shlomo: CBS - Machaneh Yehudah - HaNevi'im Bikur Cholim hospital - Strauss Geulah - Yechezkel - Shmuel HaNavi - Golda Meir - Ramat Shlomo15 circle bus: CBS - Sarei Yisrael - Malchei Yisrael Geulah - Meah Shearim - Shaar Shechem Damascus Gate - Yaffo municipality offices, central post office - Kikar Tzion - Strauss Bikur Cholim hospital - Malchei Yisrael Geulah - Sarei Yisrael - CBS - Givat Shaul - Har Nof35 to Ramot: CBS - Machaneh Yehudah - HaNevi'im Bikur Cholim hospital - Strauss Geulah - Yechezkel - Shmuel HaNavi - Golda Meir - Ramot
Other Routes
1: CBS - Sarei Yisrael - Malchei Yisrael Geulah - Meah Shearim - Shaar Shechem Damascus Gate - Kotel HaMa'aravi Western Wall2: Har Nof - Givat Shaul North - Hamag - Kiryat Mattersdorf - Sorotzkin - Kiryat Tzanz - Ezrat Torah - Golda Meir - Shmuel HaNavi - Shaar Shechem Damascus Gate - Kotel HaMa'aravi Western Wall7: Kiryat Mattersdorf - Sorotzkin - Kiryat Tzanz - Ezrat Torah - Har Chotzvim11: Har Nof - Givat Shaul North - CBS Shazar - Machaneh Yehudah - HaNevi'im Bikur Cholim hospital - Strauss Geulah - Yechezkel - Shmuel HaNavi - Golda Meir - Har Chotzvim - Ramat Shlomo15 circle bus: Har Nof - Givat Shaul North - CBS Shazar - Sarei Yisrael - Malchei Yisrael Geulah - Meah Shearim - Shaar Shechem Damascus Gate - Yaffo municipality offices, central post office - Kikar Tzion - Strauss Bikur Cholim hospital - Malchei Yisrael Geulah - Sarei Yisrael - CBS Shazar - Givat Shaul North - Har Nof16: Bayit VeGan - Yefeh Nof - Kiryat Moshe - Givat Shaul North - Hamag - Kiryat Mattersdorf - Sorotzkin - Kiryat Tzanz - Hannah - Bar Ilan - Sanhedria - Golda Meir - Har Chotzvim - Ramot18: CBS-Yaffo-David HaMelech-Derech Beit Lechem-Emek Refaim-Yochanan Ben Zakkai-Yossi Ben Yoezer-Kanei HaGalil-Yehudah HaNasi-Yaakov Pat-Kenyon Malcha21: replaces the 14 into Talpiot29: Har HaMenuchot - Givat Shaul Commercial Area - Givat Shaul North - CBS Shazar35: Har Nof - Givat Shaul South - CBS Shazar - Machaneh Yehudah - HaNevi'im Bikur Cholim hospital - Strauss Geulah - Yechezkel - Shmuel HaNavi - Golda Meir - Ramot38: Jewish Quarter Parking lot - Yafo Street - Davidka Square - Yafo Street - Jewish Quarter Parking lot.

"Fast Lines"These are new and modern buses which cut though the city vertically.

71, 72: Gilo- Derekh Hevron- King George- Straus- Ramot.74, 75: Har Homa- Derekh Hevron- King George- The Shuk- CBS- Har nof

Note Buses in Jerusalem Egged do not run on Shabbat 30 minutes before sunset on Friday until at least 30 minutes after sunset on Saturday, nor on other religious holidays. That doesn't apply for Al-Safariiat Al-Moahaddih. This list is incomplete